Meet the team
We currently have four incredible women working for us at Voice International! They've been with us since the beginning and they are pioneering the way forward in all that we do! Learn more about them below!

Hi I'm Regina!
Since working for Voice and earning a sustainable income I have always been able to pay my bills and
provide food for my children.
My dream in life is to educate my girls and see them
graduate and achieve all they want.
I am also working on my dream business, my very own catering service to further empower my dreams and ambitions of buying land for my family.

Hi I'm Scovia!
Since working for Voice my life has been much easier.
It has changed my way of living. Before employment it was really hard for me to pay school fees for my
children. But now I can afford these plus my rent and bills.
My big dream is to begin my own retail shop within my village and from these profits buy land and begin farming with my family.

Hi I'm Fedy!
I have worked for Voice since the very beginning and I am always inspired by how far we have come.
Since working for Voice life has changed. I am now able to pay my bills without worry and save towards school fees for my boys.
Voice has taught me to dream bigger.
My dream is to begin a nutritional juice and salad business to create a second stream of income to support the dreams of my family in the future.

Hi I'm Cathy!
I’m Cathy and my dream is teach and empower people through creativity. I love designing and I am currently working on my own range of Crochet homewares and bags.
Through working for Voice and starting my new business I hope to be able to save more towards buying my own sewing machine to further my skills .
One day I dream to own land and build my dream home.
To read more about our cycle of empowerment in Uganda